As most of you know if you follow me on Instagram, Ruby starts “big school” this year, my nerves. We also have 9 other kiddies off to school within the team in BabyBoo and 2 others starting so it’s a busy few weeks for the mammies. Lots of you have been asking for lunch box suggestions so I asked Alma (@fitdentalmom) to give us her top tips for teeth friendly alternatives for the lunch box. Her disclaimer – she is not a nutritionist just a health conscious mum and dental professional, good enough for us!!
So first up some of her lower sugar alternative ideas, be careful of cereal bars or oat bars;

I also asked lots of mums I know who have little ones in school or starting school and it’s a regular discussion in work so here are some other suggestions;
Cold pasta with pesto or plain
Cubes of cheese or slices of cheese with crackers
So there you go now, if you’re still looking for lunchbox advice check out Michelle’s tips here
We also love Cliona O Connor in our house and she has some great ideas here